Teacher Resources

These resources collectively support teachers in their professional growth, lesson planning, classroom management, and addressing the unique needs of their students.

  • Organizations like the National Education Association (NEA) or local education agencies often offer professional development opportunities for teachers. These programs help educators stay updated on the latest teaching methodologies, technology integration, and educational research.

  • Access to well-designed curriculum guides and teaching materials is crucial. This can include textbooks, lesson plans, and online resources that align with educational standards. Websites like TeachersPayTeachers or Open Educational Resources (OER) platforms can be valuable.

  • Integration of educational technology enhances teaching and learning experiences. Platforms such as Google Classroom, Kahoot!, or learning management systems provide tools for communication, collaboration, and assessment.

  • School and community libraries offer a wealth of educational resources, including books, multimedia materials, and research databases. Librarians can also assist teachers in finding relevant materials for their lessons.

  • Collaborating with other teachers in PLCs fosters a supportive environment for sharing ideas, strategies, and best practices. This can be within the school or through online communities, allowing teachers to learn from one another.

  • Effective assessment tools help teachers measure student progress and identify areas for improvement. Resources like formative assessment apps, standardized tests, and rubrics contribute to the evaluation of student learning outcomes.

  • Resources that provide guidance on effective classroom management are essential for maintaining a positive learning environment. Books, articles, and workshops on classroom management techniques can be valuable for both new and experienced teachers.

  • Teachers often encounter diverse learning needs in their classrooms. Resources that provide guidance on differentiated instruction, special education strategies, and accommodations are crucial for creating an inclusive learning environment.

Professional Development Programs:

National Education Association (NEA):

Website: NEA Professional Development


Website: Edutopia Professional Development


Website: TeachThought Professional Development

Coursera for Teachers:

Website: Coursera for Teachers


Website: edX for Teachers

ASCD (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development):

Website: ASCD Professional Learning

Teaching Channel:

Website: Teaching Channel

PBS TeacherLine:

Website: PBS TeacherLine

Education technology tools:

Google Classroom:

Website: Google Classroom


Website: Kahoot!


Website: Edmodo


Website: Flipgrid


Website: Padlet


Website: Nearpod


Website: Seesaw


Website: Quizizz

Professional Learning Communities:

AllThingsPLC: This website offers resources, articles, and tools for educators interested in implementing and sustaining effective PLCs.

Solution Tree: Solution Tree provides professional development resources, including books, videos, and workshops, focused on PLCs and other educational topics.

Edutopia: Edutopia features articles, videos, and resources on various aspects of education, including information on creating and maintaining effective PLCs.

TeachThought: TeachThought provides articles, blog posts, and resources on education-related topics, including guidance on establishing and running successful PLCs.

National Staff Development Council (Learning Forward): This organization offers resources, publications, and professional learning opportunities focused on improving educator effectiveness, including through PLCs.

Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD): ASCD provides resources, publications, and professional development opportunities for educators, including guidance on implementing PLCs.

TeacherVision: TeacherVision offers printable resources, lesson plans, and articles for educators, including materials related to PLCs and collaborative learning.

Education Week Teacher: Education Week Teacher provides articles, blogs, and resources for educators, including information on PLCs and professional development.

Learning Forward: Learning Forward is an organization focused on professional learning for educators, offering resources, publications, and events related to PLCs and other topics.

The Teacher's Corner: This website offers resources and tools for teachers, including materials for implementing and participating in PLCs

Curriculum Guides and Materials:


Website: TeachersPayTeachers

Common Sense Education:

Website: Common Sense Education

Share My Lesson:

Website: Share My Lesson

Open Educational Resources (OER) Commons:

Website: OER Commons

Smithsonian Learning Lab:

Website: Smithsonian Learning Lab

Khan Academy:

Website: Khan Academy


Website: Edutopia Curriculum

National Geographic Education:

Website: National Geographic Education

Library Resources:


Website: WorldCat

Library of Congress:

Website: Library of Congress

Project Gutenberg:

Website: Project Gutenberg

Google Books:

Website: Google Books

Open Library:

Website: Open Library


Website: JSTOR

National Archives:

Website: National Archives

PubMed Central:

Website: PubMed Central